

Salmonella Typhimurium screen identifies shifts in mixed-acid fermentation during gut colonization

Bidong D Nguyen, Anna Sintsova, Christopher Schubert, Andreas Sichert, Clio Scheidegger, Jana Näf, Julien Huttman, Verena Lentsch, Tim Keys, Christoph Rutschmann, Philipp Christen, Patrick Kiefer, Philipp Keller, Manja Barthel, Miguelangel Cuenca, Beat Christen, Uwe Sauer, Emma Slack, Julia A Vorholt, Shinichi Sunagawa, Wolf-Dietrich Hardt

Volume 32, Issue 10, 9 October 2024, Pages 1758-1773

Diagnosing and engineering gut microbiomes

Elisa Cappio Barazzone, Médéric Diard, Isabelle Hug, Louise Larsson, Emma Slack

EMBO Mol Med (2024)16: 2660 - 2677

DMB labelling for detection and analysis of capsular polysaccharides

Christoph Rutschmann, Kateryna Vershynina, Corina Mathew, Lucas Piëch, Małgorzata Sulewska, Philipp E Schilling, Nicolas Wenner, Louise Larsson, Anouk Bertola, Elisa Cappio Barazzone, Ioana Domocos, Carine Roese Mores, Jackie Raisse Ndem-Galbert, Yagmur Turgay, Raffael Schumann, Shirin de Viragh, Hayley Lavender, Chris Tang, Médéric Diard, Shinichi Sunagawa, Michael Wetter, Timm Fiebig, Emma Slack, Timothy G Keys

bioRxiv preprint

Active eosinophils regulate host defence and immune responses in colitis

Alessandra Gurtner, Costanza Borrelli, Ignacio Gonzalez-Perez, Karsten Bach, Ilhan E Acar, Nicolás G Núñez, Daniel Crepaz, Kristina Handler, Vivian P Vu, Atefeh Lafzi, Kristin Stirm, Deeksha Raju, Julia Gschwend, Konrad Basler, Christoph Schneider, Emma Slack, Tomas Valenta, Burkhard Becher, Philippe Krebs, Andreas E Moor, Isabelle C Arnold

Nature 615, 151-157 (2023)


Microbial hoolIgAn dismantles gut defenses

Emma Slack

Comment, Science, Vol 385, Issue 6716, pp. 1418 - 1420, Sept 26 2024

Investigating Polyreactivity of CD4+ T Cells to the Intestinal Microbiota

Ahmed Saadawi, Florian Mair, Esther Rosenwald, Daniel Hoces, Emma Slack, Manfred Kopf

bioRxiv preprint, August 2024

Relaxation of mucosal fibronectin fibers in late gut inflammation following neutrophil infiltration in mice

Ronja Rappold, Konstantinos Kalogeropoulus, Ulrich auf dem Keller, Emma Slack, Viola Vogel

Research Square preprint, April 2024

Acute targeted induction of gut-microbial metabolism affects host clock genes and nocturnal feeding

Giorgia Greter, Claudia Moresi, Stefanie Oswald, Alice de Wouters d'Oplinter, Daria Künzli, Elisa Cappio Barazzone, Jiayi Lan, Emma Slack, Markus Arnoldini

eLife reviewed preprint, September 2024

Host control of the microbiome: Mechanisms, evolution, and disease

Jacob Wilde, Emma Slack, Kevin R Foster

Science, Vol 385, Issue 6706, Jul 19 2024

Salmonella-driven intestinal edema in mice is characterized by tensed fibronectin fibers

Ronja Rappold, Konstantinos Kalogeropoulos, Ulrich auf dem Keller, Viola Vogel, Emma Slack

FEBS J., 2024 Mar 15

Surface Cross-Linking by Macromolecular Tethers Enhances Virus-like Particles’ Resilience to Mucosal Stress Factors

Ahmed Ali, Suwannee Ganguillet, Yagmur Turgay, Timothy G. Keys, Erika Causa, Ricardo Fradique, Viviane Lutz-Bueno, Serge Chesnov, Chia-Wei Tan-Lin, Verena Lentsch, Jurij Kotar, Pietro Cicuta, Raffaele Mezzenga, Emma Slack, and Milad Radiom

ACS Nano 2024 18 (4), 3382-3396

Quantifying the daily harvest of fermentation products from the human gut microbiota

Markus Arnoldini, Richa Sharma, Claudia Moresi, Griffin Chure, Julien Chabbey, Emma Slack and Jonas Cremer

bioRxiv preprint


From microbiome composition to functional engineering, one step at a time

Sebastian Dan Burz, Senka Causevic, Alma Dal Co, Marija Dmitrijeva, Philipp Engel, Daniel Garrido-Sanz, Gilbert Greub, Siegfried Hapfelmeier, Wolf-Dietrich Hardt, Vassily Hatzimanikatis, Clara Margot Heiman, Mathias Klaus-Maria Herzog, Alyson Hockenberry, Christoph Keel, Andreas Keppler, Soon-Jae Lee, Julien Luneau, Lukas Malfertheiner, Sara Mitri, Bidong Ngyuen, Omid Oftadeh, Alan R. Pacheco, François Peaudecerf, Grégory Resch, Hans-Joachim Ruscheweyh, Asli Sahin, Ian R. Sanders, Emma Slack, Shinichi Sunagawa, Janko Tackmann, Robin Tecon, Giovanni Stefano Ugolini, Jordan Vacheron, Jan Roelof van der Meer, Evangelia Vayena, Pascale Vonaesch, Julia A. Vorholt

Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, December 2023, Volume 87, Issue 4

License to Clump: Secretory IgA Structure-Function Relationships Across Scales

Alyson Hockenberry, Emma Slack, Beth M Stadtmueller

Annual Review of Microbiology, vol. 77, p.645-668 (2023)

The microbiota conditions a gut milieu that selects for wild-type Salmonella Typhimurium virulence

Ersin Gül, Erik Bakkeren, Guillem Salazar, Yves Steiger, Andrew Abi Younes, Melanie Clerc, Philipp Christen, Stefan A. Fattinger, Bidong D. Nguyen, Patrick Kiefer, Emma Slack, Martin Ackermann, Julia A. Vorholt, Shinichi Sunagawa, Médéric Diard, Wolf-Dietrich Hardt

PLoS Biology 21(8): e3002253

"EvoVax" - A rationally designed inactivated Salmonella Typhimurium vaccine induces strong and long-lasting immune responses in pigs

Verena Lentsch, Selma Aslani, Thomas Echtermann, Swapan Preet, Elisa Cappio Barazzone, Daniel Hoces, Claudia Moresi, Dolf Kümmerlen, Emma Slack

Vaccine, Volume 41, Issue 38, Pages 5545-5552

Non-invasive monitoring of microbiota and host metabolism using secondary electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry

Jiayi Lan, Giorgia Greter, Bettina Streckenbach, Benedikt Wanner, Markus Arnoldini, Renato Zenobi, Emma Slack

Cell Reports Methods, Volume 3, Issue 8, 1000539

Nanoscale clustering by O-antigen-Secretory Immunoglobulin-A binding limits outer membrane diffusion by encaging individual Salmonella cells

Alyson Hockenberry, Milad Radiom, Markus Arnoldini, Yagmur Turgay, Matthew Dunne, Jozef Adamcik, Beth Stadtmueller, Raffaele Mezzenga, Martin Ackermann, Emma Slack

bioRxiv. 2023 Jul 14:2023.07.13.548943

Microbiomes in Neverland

Emma Slack, Nicholas A. Bokulich

Cell Host and Microbe, vol. 31(4), p. 461-463

Mechanical tuning of virus-like particles

Milad Radiom, Tim Keys, Yagmur Turgay, Ahmed Ali, Swapan Preet, Serge Chesnov, Viviane Lutz-Bueno, Emma Slack, Raffaele Mezzenga

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 634, p.963-971

Fitness advantage of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron capsular polysaccharide in the mouse gut depends on the resident microbiota

Daniel Hoces, Giorgia Greter, Markus Arnoldini, Melanie L. Stäubli, Claudia Moresi, Anna Sintsova, Sara Berent, Isabel Kolinko, Florence Bansept, Aurore Woller, Janine Häfliger, Eric Martens, Wolf-Dietrich Hardt, Shinichi Sunagawa, Claude Loverdo, Emma Slack

eLife Sciences Publication Ltd. Camebridge UK, Infectious Diseases and Microbiology (2023)


Mechanical tuning of virus-like particles

Milad Radiom, Tim Keys, Yagmur Turgay, Ahmed Ali, Swapan Preet, Serge Chesnov, Viviane Lutz-Bueno, Emma Slack, Raffaele Mezzenga

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 634, p. 963-971 (2023)

Active eosinophils regulate host defence and immune responses in colitis

Alessandra Gurtner, Costanza Borrelli, Ignacio Gonzalez-Perez, Karsten Bach, Ilhan E. Acar, Nicolás G. Núñez, Daniel Crepaz, Kristina Handler, Vivian P. Vu, Atefeh Lafzi, Kristin Stirm, Deeksha Raju, Julia Gschwend, Konrad Basler, Christoph Schneider, Emma Slack, Tomas Valenta, Burkhard Becher, Philippe Krebs, Andreas E. Moor & Isabelle C. Arnold

Nature vol. 615, p. 151–157 (2023)

Resistance is futile? Mucosal immune mechanisms in the context of microbial ecology and evolution

Emma Slack and Médéric Diard

Mucosal Immunology, Nature Publishing Group (2022), Volume 15, Issue 6, P1188–1198

Microbiome-based interventions to modulate gut ecology and the immune system

Thomas C. A. Hitch, Lindsay J. Hall, Sarah Kate Walsh, Gabriel E. Leventhal, Emma Slack, Tomas de Wouters, Jens Walter and Thomas Clavel

Mucosal Immunology, Nature Publishing Group (2022), Volume 15, Issue 6, P1095-1113

Metabolic reconstitution of germ-free mice by a gnotobiotic microbiota varies over the circadian cycle

Daniel Hoces, Jiayi Lan, Wenfei Sun, Tobias Geiser, Melanie L. Stäubli, Elisa Cappio Barazzone, Markus Arnoldini, Tenagne D. Challa, Manuel Klug, Alexandra Kellenberger, Sven Nowok, Erica Faccin, Andrew J. Macpherson, Bärbel Stecher, Shinichi Sunagawa, Renato Zenobi, Wolf-Dietrich Hardt, Christian Wolfrum, Emma Slack

PLoS Biology, 2022, 20(9):e3001743


Uncoupling of invasive bacterial mucosal immunogenicity from pathogenicity

Simona P. Pfister, Olivier P. Schären, Luca Beldi, Andrea Printz, Matheus D. Notter, Mohana Mukherjee, Hai Li, Julien P. Limenitakis, Joel P. Werren, Disha Tandon, Miguelangel Cuenca, Stefanie Hagemann, Stephanie S. Uster, Miguel A. Terrazos, Mercedes Gomez de Agüero, Christian M. Schürch, Fernanda M. Coelho, Roy Curtiss, Emma Slack, Maria L. Balmer and Siegfried Hapfelmeier

Nature Communications, vol 11, 2021

IL-1 Mediates Microbiome-Induced Inflamm-Ageing of Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Mice

Larisa Vladimirovna Kovtonyuk, Francisco Caiado, Santiago Garcia-Martin, Eva-Maria Manz, Patrick Michael Helbling, Hitoshi Takizawa, Steffen Boettcher, Fatima Al-Shahrour, Cesar Nombela-Arrieta, Emma Slack and Markus G. Manz

Blood, 2021

A rationally designed oral vaccine induces immunoglobulin A in the murine gut that directs the evolution of attenuated Salmonella variants

Médéric Diard, Erik Bakkeren, Verena Lentsch, Andrea Rocker, Nahimi Amare Bekele, Daniel Hoces, Selma Aslani, Markus Arnoldini, Flurina Böhi, Kathrin Schumann-Moor, Jozef Adamcik, Luca Piccoli, Antonio Lanzavecchia, Beth M. Stadtmueller, Nicholas Donohue, Marjan W. van der Woude, Alyson Hockenberry, Patrick H. Viollier, Laurent Falquet, Daniel Wüthrich, Ferdinando Bonfiglio, Claude Loverdo, Adrian Egli, Giorgia Zandomeneghi, Raffaele Mezzenga, Otto Holst, Beat H. Meier, Wolf-Dietrich Hardt and Emma Slack

Nature Microbiology, 2021

Prospective Validation of CD-62L (L-Selectin) as Marker of Durable Response to Infliximab Treatment in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A 5-Year Clinical Follow-up

Francisco Bravo, Jamie A. Macpherson, Emma Slack, Nicolas Patuto, Julia Cahenzli, Kathy D. McCoy, Andrew J. Macpherson, and Pascal Juillerat

Clinical Translational Gastroenterology, 12(2):p e00298 February 2021

Reproducible Colonization of Germ-Free Mice With the Oligo-Mouse-Microbiota in Different Animal Facilities

Claudia Eberl, Diana Ring, Philipp C. Münch, Markus Beutler, Marijana Basic, Emma C. Slack, Martin Schwarzer, Dagmar Srutkova, Anna Lange, Julia S. Frick, André Bleich and Bärbel Stecher

Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 10, pp. 2999, Lausanne: Fontiers Research Foundation, 2020.


Intestinal epithelial NAIP/NLRC4 restricts systemic dissemination of the adapted pathogen Salmonella Typhimurium due to site-specific bacterial PAMP expression

Annika Hausmann, Desirée Böck, Petra Geiser, Dorothée L. Berthold, Stefan A. Fattinger, Markus Furter, Judith A. Bouman, Manja Barthel-Scherrer, Crispin M. Lang, Erik Bakkeren, Isabel Kolinko, Médéric Diard, Dirk Bumann, Emma Wetter Slack, Roland R. Regoes, Martin Pilhofer, Mikael E. Sellin and Wolf-Dietrich Hardt

Mucosal Immunology, New York, NY: Nature, 2020

Reproducible Colonization of Germ-Free Mice With the Oligo-Mouse-Microbiota in Different Animal Facilities

Claudia Eberl, Diana Ring, Philipp C. Münch, Markus Beutler, Marijana Basic, Emma C. Slack, Martin Schwarzer, Dagmar Srutkova, Anna Lange, Julia S. Frick, André Bleich and Bärbel Stecher

Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 10, pp. 2999, Lausanne: Fontiers Research Foundation, 2020.


Growing, evolving and sticking in a flowing environment: understanding IgA interactions with bacteria in the gut

Daniel Hoces, Markus Arnoldini, Médéric Diard, Claude Loverdo and Emma Wetter Slack

Immunology, vol. 159: no. 1, pp. 52-62, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2020

IgA and the intestinal microbiota: the importance of being specific

Oliver Pabst and Emma Slack

Mucosal Immunology, vol. 13: no. 1, pp. 12-21, New York, NY: Nature Publishing Group, 2020

Microbiota-derived peptide mimics drive lethal inflammatory cardiomyopathy

Cristina Gil-Cruz, Christian Perez-Shibayama, Angelina De Martin, Francesca Ronchi, Katrien van der Borght, Rebekka Niederer, Lucas Onder, Mechthild Lütge, Mario Novkovic, Veronika Nindl, Gustavo Ramos, Markus Arnoldini, Emma M.C. Wetter Slack, Valérie Boivin-Jahns, Roland Jahns, Madeleine Wyss, Catherine Mooser, Bart N. Lambrecht, Micha T. Maeder, Hans Rickli, Lukas Flatz, Urs Eriksson, Markus B. Geuking, Kathy D. McCoy and Burkhard Ludewig

Science, vol. 366: no. 6467, pp. 881-886, Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2019

Escherichia coli limits Salmonella Typhimurium infections after diet shifts and fat-mediated microbiota perturbation in mice

Sandra Y. Wotzka, Markus Kreuzer, Lisa Maier, Markus Arnoldini, Bidong D. Nguyen, Alexander O. Brachmann, Dorothée L. Berthold, Mirjam Zünd, Annika Hausmann, Erik Bakkeren, Daniel Hoces, Ersin Gül, Markus Beutler, Tamas Dolowschiak, Michael Zimmermann, Tobias Fuhrer, Kathrin Moor, Uwe Sauer, Athanasios Typas, Jörn Piel, Médéric Diard, Andrew J. Macpherson, Bärbel Stecher, Shinichi Sunagawa, Emma Wetter Slack and Wolf-Dietrich Hardt

Nature Microbiology, vol. 4: no. 12, pp. 2164-2174, London: Nature Publishing Group, 2019

Salmonella persisters promote the spread of antibiotic resistance plasmids in the gut

Erik Bakkeren, Jana S. Huisman, Stefan A. Fattinger, Annika Hausmann, Markus Furter, Adrian Egli, Emma Wetter Slack, Mikael E. Sellin, Sebastian Bonhoeffer, Roland Robert Regös, Médéric Diard and Wolf-Dietrich Hardt

Nature, vol. 573: no. 7773, pp. 276-280, London: Nature Publishing Group, 2019

The antibody/microbiota interface in health and disease

Delphine Sterlin, Jehane Fadlallah, Emma Slack and Guy Gorochov

Mucosal Immunology, vol. 13: no. 1, pp. 3-11, New York, NY: Nature Publishing Group, 2020

Mucispirillum schaedleri Antagonizes Salmonella Virulence to Protect Mice against Colitis

Simone Herp, Sandrine Brugiroux, Debora Garzetti, Diana Ring, Lara M. Jochum, Markus Beutler, Claudia Eberl, Saib Hussain, Steffi Walter, Roman G. Gerlach, Hans-Joachim Ruscheweyh, Daniel Huson, Mikael E. Sellin, Emma Wetter Slack, Buck Hanson, Alexander Loy, John F. Baines, Philipp Rausch, Marijana Basic, André Bleich, David Berry and Bärbel Stecher

Cell Host & Microbe, vol. 25: no. 5, pp. 681-694.e8, Cambridge, MA: Cell Press, 2019

Enchained growth and cluster dislocation: A possible mechanism for microbiota homeostasis

Florence Bansept, Kathrin Schumann-Moor, Médéric Diard, Wolf-Dietrich Hardt, Emma Wetter Slack and Claude Loverdo

PLoS Computational Biology, vol. 15: no. 5, pp. e1006986, San Francisco, CA: Public Library of Science, 2019

Microbiota Sensing by Mincle-Syk Axis in Dendritic Cells Regulates Interleukin-17 and -22 Production and Promotes Intestinal Barrier Integrity

Maria Martinez-Lopez, Salvador Iborra, Ruth Conde-Garrosa, Annalaura Mastrangelo, Camille Danne, Elizabeth R. Mann, Delyth M. Reid, Valérie Gaboriau-Routhiau, Maria Chaparro, Maria P. Lorenzo, Lara Minnerup, Paula Saz-Leal, Emma Wetter Slack, Benjamin Kemp, Javier P. Gisbert, Andrzej Dzionek, Matthew J. Robinson, Francisco J. Rupérez, Nadine Cerf-Bensussan, Gordon D. Brown, David Bernardo, Salomé LeibundGut-Landmann and David Sancho

Immunity, vol. 50: no. 2, pp. 446-461.e9, Cambridge, MA: Cell Press, 2019

ATP released by intestinal bacteria limits the generation of protective IgA against enteropathogens

Michele Proietti, Lisa Perruzza, Daniela Scribano, Giovanni Pellegrini, Rocco D'Antuono, Francesco Strati, Marco Raffaelli, Santiago F. Gonzalez, Marcus Thelen, Wolf-Dietrich Hardt, Emma Wetter Slack, Mauro Nicoletti and Fabio Grassi

Nature Communications, vol. 10, pp. 250, London: Nature Publishing Group, 2019


High-avidity IgA protects the intestine by enchaining growing bacteria

Kathrin Moor, Médéric Diard, Mikael E. Sellin, Boas Felmy, Sandra Y. Wotzka, Albulena Toska, Erik Bakkeren, Markus Arnoldini, Florence Bansept, Alma Dal Co, Tom Völler, Andrea Minola, Blanca Fernandez-Rodriguez, Gloria Agatic, Sonia Barbieri, Luca Piccoli, Costanza Casiraghi, Davide Corti, Antonio Lanzavecchia, Roland R. Regoes, Claude Loverdo, Roman Stocker, Douglas R. Brumley, Wolf-Dietrich Hardt and Emma Wetter Slack

Nature, vol. 544: no. 7651, pp. 498-502, London: Nature Publishing Group, 2017

Inflammation boosts bacteriophage transfer between Salmonella spp

Médéric Diard, Erik Bakkeren, Jeffrey K. Cornuault, Kathrin Moor, Annika Hausmann, Mikael E. Sellin, Claude Loverdo, Abram Aertsen, Martin Ackermann, Marianne De Paepe, Emma Wetter Slack and Wolf-Dietrich Hardt

Science, vol. 355: no. 6330, pp. 1211-1215, Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2017


Analysis of bacterial-surface-specific antibodies in body fluids using bacterial flow cytometry

Kathrin Moor, Jehane Fadlallah, Albulena Toska, Delphine Sterlin, Maria L. Balmer, Andrew J. Macpherson, Guy Gorochov, Martin Larsen and Emma Wetter Slack

Nature Protocols, vol. 11: no. 8, pp. 1531-1553, London: Nature Publishing Group, 2016

Memory CD8+ T Cells Require Increased Concentrations of Acetate Induced by Stress for Optimal Function

Maria L. Balmer, Eric H. Ma, Glenn R. Bantug, Jasmin Grählert, Simona Pfister, Timo Glatter, Annaise Jauch, Sarah Dimeloe, Emma Wetter Slack, Philippe Dehio, Magdalena A. Krzyzaniak, Carolyn G. King, Anne-Valerie Burgener, Marco Fischer, Leyla Develioglu, Reka Belle, Mike Recher, Weldy V. Bonilla, Andrew J. Macpherson, Siegfried Hapfelmeier, Russell G. Jones and Christoph Hess

Immunity, vol. 44: no. 6, pp. 1312-1324, Cambridge MA, USA: Cell Press, 2016

Peracetic acid treatment generates potent inactivated oral vaccines from a broad range of culturable bacterial species

Emma Wetter Slack, Kathrin Moor, Sandra Y. Wotzka, Albulena Toska, Diard Médéric, Siegfried Hapfelmeier and Emma Wetter Slack

Frontiers in Immunology, vol. 7, pp. 34, Lausanne: Frontiers Research Foundation, 2016


What makes a bacterial oral vaccine a strong inducer of high-affinity IgA responses?

Kathrin Moor and Emma Wetter Slack

Antibodies, vol. 4: no. 4, pp. 295-313, Basel: MDPI, 2015


Granulocytes Impose a Tight Bottleneck upon the Gut Luminal Pathogen Population during Salmonella Typhimurium Colitis

Lisa Maier, Médéric Diard, Mikael E. Sellin, Elsa-Sarah Chouffane, Kerstin Trautwein-Weidner, Balamurugan Periaswamy, Emma Wetter Slack, Tamas Dolowschiak, Bärbel Stecher, Claude Loverdo, Roland R. Regoes and Wolf-Dietrich Hardt

PLoS pathogens, vol. 10: no. 12, pp. e1004557, Lawrence, KS: Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2014

ATP-Gated Ionotropic P2X7 Receptor Controls Follicular T Helper Cell Numbers in Peyer's Patches to Promote Host-Microbiota Mutualism

Michele Proietti, Vanessa Cornacchione, Tanja Rezzonico Jost, Andrea Romagnani, Caterina E. Faliti, Lisa Perruzza, Rosita Rigoni, Enrico Radaelli, Flavio Caprioli, Silvia Preziuso, Barbara Brannetti, Marcus Thelen, Kathy D. McCoy, Emma Wetter Slack, Elisabetta Traggiai and Fabio Grassi

Immunity, vol. 41: no. 5, pp. 789-801, Cambridge, MA: Elsevier, 2014

Microbiota-derived compounds drive steady-state granulopoiesis via MyD88/TICAM signaling

Maria L. Balmer, Christian M. Schurch, Yasuyuki Saito, Markus B. Geuking, Hai Li, Miguelangel Cuenca, Larisa V. Kovtonyuk, Kathy D. McCoy, Siegfried Hapfelmeier, Adrian F. Ochsenbein, Markus G. Manz, Emma Wetter Slack and Andrew J. Macpherson

The Journal of Immunology, vol. 193: no. 10, pp. 5273-5283, Bethesda, MD: AAI, 2014

B cells as a critical node in the microbiota-host immune system network

Emma Wetter Slack, Maria L. Balmer and Andrew J. Macpherson

Immunological reviews, vol. 260: no. 1, pp. 50-66, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014

The liver may act as a firewall mediating mutualism between the host and its gut commensal microbiota

M.L. Balmer, Emma Wetter Slack, A. de Gottardi, M.A. Lawson, S. Hapfelmeier, L. Miele, A. Grieco, H. Van Vlierberghe, R. Fahrner, N. Patuto, C. Bernsmeier, F. Ronchi, M. Wyss, D. Stroka, N. Dickgreber, M.H. Heim, K.D. McCoy and A.J. Macpherson

Science Translational Medicine, vol. 6: no. 237, pp. 237ra66, Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2014

Cecum Lymph Node Dendritic Cells Harbor Slow-Growing Bacteria Phenotypically Tolerant to Antibiotic Treatment

Patrick Kaiser, Roland R. Regoes, Tamas Dolowschiak, Sandra Y. Wotzka, Jette Lengefeld, Emma Wetter Slack, Andrew J. Grant, Martin Ackermann and Wolf-Dietrich Hardt

PLoS Biology, vol. 12: no. 2, pp. e1001793, Lawrence, KS: Public Library of Science, 2014


NADPH Oxidase Deficient Mice Develop Colitis and Bacteremia upon Infection with Normally Avirulent, TTSS-1- and TTSS-2-Deficient Salmonella Typhimurium

Boas Felmy, Pascal Songhet, Emma Wetter Slack, Andreas J. Müller, Marcus Kremer, Laurye Van Maele, Delphine Cayet, Mathias Heikenwalder, Jean-Claude Sirard and Wolf-Dietrich Hardt

PLoS ONE, vol. 8: no. 10, pp. e77204, S.l.: Public Library of Science, 2013

Lymph Node Colonization Dynamics after Oral Salmonella Typhimurium Infection in Mice

Patrick Kaiser, Emma Wetter Slack, Andrew J. Grant, Wolf-Dietrich Hardt and Roland R. Regoes

PLoS pathogens, vol. 9: no. 9, pp. e1003532, Lawrence, KS: Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2013

Splicing defect of CD33 and inflammatory syndrome associated with occult bacterial infection

Maria L. Balmer, Beat Trüeb, Lei Zhuang, Emma Wetter Slack, Helmut Beltraminelli and Peter M. Villiger

Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, vol. 132: no. 2, pp. 490-493, St. Louis, MO: Mosby, 2013

CD62L (L-Selectin) Shedding for Assessment of Perioperative Immune Sensitivity in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery with Cardiopulmonary Bypass

Gabor Erdoes, Maria L. Balmer, Emma Wetter Slack, Istvan Kocsis, Lutz E. Lehmann, Balthasar Eberle, Frank Stuber and Malte Book

PLoS ONE, vol. 8: no. 1, pp. e53045, Public Library Science, 2013


Live Attenuated S. Typhimurium Vaccine with Improved Safety in Immuno-Compromised Mice

Balamurugan Periaswamy, Lisa Maier, Vikalp Vishwakarma, Emma Wetter Slack, Marcus Kremer, Helene L. Andrews-Polymenis, Michael McClelland, Andrew J. Grant, Mrutyunjay Suar and Wolf-Dietrich Hardt

PLoS ONE, vol. 7: no. 9, pp. e45433, Lawrence, KS, USA: Public Library of Science, 2012

Promotion of liver regeneration by natural killer cells in a murine model is dependent on extracellular adenosine triphosphate phosphohydrolysis

Nadine Graubardt, René Fahrner, Markus Trochsler, Adrian Keogh, Karin Breu, Cynthia Furer, Deborah Stroka, Simon C. Robson, Emma Wetter Slack, Daniel Candinas and Guido Beldi

Hepatology, vol. 57: no. 5, pp. 1969-1979, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2013

Lymphotoxin beta receptor signaling promotes development of autoimmune pancreatitis

Gitta M. Seleznik, Theresia Reding, Franziska Romrig, Yasuyuki Saito, Alexander Mildner, Stephan Segerer, Li-Kang Sun, Stephan Regenass, Maciej Lech, Hans-Joachim Anders, Donal McHugh, Teru Kumagi, Yoichi Hiasa, Carolin Lackner, Johannes Haybaeck, Eliane Angst, Aurel Perren, Maria L. Balmer, Emma Wetter Slack, Andrew MacPherson, Markus G. Manz, Achim Weber, Jeffrey L. Browning, Melek C. Arkan, Thomas Rülicke, Adriano Aguzzi, Marco Prinz, Rolf Graf and Mathias Heikenwalder

Gastroenterology, vol. 143: no. 5, pp. 1361-1374, Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders, 2012

A Novel Phage Element of Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteritidis P125109 Contributes to Accelerated Type III Secretion System 2-Dependent Early Inflammation Kinetics in a Mouse Colitis Model

Vikalp Vishwakarma, Balamurugan Periaswamy, Niladri Bhusan Pati, Emma Wetter Slack, Wolf-Dietrich Hardt and Mrutyunjay Suar

Infection and immunity, vol. 80: no. 9, pp. 3236-3246, Washington: American Society for Microbiology, 2012

Functional flexibility of intestinal IgA – broadening the fine line

Emma Wetter Slack, Maria Luisa Balmer, Jörg H. Fritz and Siegfried Hapfelmeier

Frontiers in Immunology, vol. 3, pp. 100, Lausanne: Frontiers Research Foundation, 2012

The habitat, double life, citizenship, and forgetfulness of IgA

Andrew J. Macpherson, Markus B. Geuking, Emma Wetter Slack, Siegfried Hapfelmeier and Kathy D. McCoy

Immunological reviews, vol. 245: no. 1, pp. 132-146, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012


Intestinal bacterial colonization induces mutualistic regulatory T cell responses

Markus B. Geuking, Julia Cahenzli, Melissa A. Lawson, Derek C.K. Ng, Emma Wetter Slack, Siegfried Hapfelmeier, Kathy D. McCoy and Andrew J. Macpherson

Immunity, vol. 34: no. 5, pp. 794-806, Cambridge, MA: Cell Press, 2011

Systemic antibody responses to gut commensal bacteria during chronic HIV-1 infection

Anna Haas, Kathrin Zimmermann, Frederik Graw, Emma Wetter Slack, Peter Rusert, Bruno Ledergerber, Walter Bossart, Rainer Weber, Maria C. Thurnheer, Manuel Battegay and et al.

Gut, vol. 60: no. 11, pp. 1506-1519, BMJ Publ. Group, 2011


The Microbiota Mediates Pathogen Clearance from the Gut Lumen after Non-Typhoidal Salmonella Diarrhea

Kathrin Endt, Bärbel Stecher, Samuel Chaffron, Emma Wetter Slack, Nicolas Tchitchek, Arndt G. Benecke, Laurye Van Maele, Jean-Claude Sirard, Andreas J. Müller, Mathias Heikenwalder, Andrew J. Macpherson, Richard Strugnell, Christian von Mering and Wolf-Dietrich Hardt

PLoS pathogens, vol. 6: no. 9, pp. e1001097, Lawrence, KS: Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2010

Reversible microbial colonization of germ-free mice reveals the dynamics of IgA immune responses

Siegfried Hapfelmeier, Melissa A.E. Lawson, Emma Wetter Slack, Jorum K. Kirundi, Maaike Stoel, Mathias Heikenwalder, Julia Cahenzli, Yuliya Velykoredko, Maria L. Balmer, Kathrin Endt, Markus B. Geuking, Roy Curtiss, Kathy D. McCoy and Andrew J. Macpherson

Science, vol. 328: no. 5986, pp. 1705-1709, Cambridge, MA: Science, 2010


The mucosal firewalls against commensal intestinal microbes

Andrew J. Macpherson, Emma Wetter Slack, Markus B. Geuking and Kathy D. McCoy

Seminars in Immunopathology, vol. 31: no. 2, pp. 145-149, Heidelberg: Springer, 2009

Host Responses to Intestinal Microbial Antigens in Gluten-Sensitive Mice

Jane M. Natividad, Xianxi Huang, Emma Wetter Slack, Jennifer Jury, Yolanda Sanz, Chella David, Emmanuel Denou, Pinchang Yang, Joseph Murray, Kathy D. McCoy and Elena F. Verdu

PLoS ONE, vol. 4: no. 7, pp. e6472, San Francisco, CA, USA: Public Library of Science, 2009

Innate and Adaptive Immunity Cooperate Flexibly to Maintain Host-Microbiota Mutualism

Emma Wetter Slack, Siegfried Hapfelmeier, Bärbel Stecher, Yuliya Velykoredko, Maaike Stoel, Melissa A.E. Lawson, Markus B. Geuking, Bruce Beutler, Thomas F. Tedder, Wolf-Dietrich Hardt, Premysl Bercik, Elena F. Verdu, Kathy D. McCoy and Andrew J. Macpherson

Science, vol. 325: no. 5940, pp. 617-620, Washington, D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2009


Dendritic cell expression of the Notch ligand jagged2 is not essential for Th2 response induction in vivo

Alan G. Worsley, Salome LeibundGut-Landmann, Emma Wetter Slack, Li-Kun Phng, Holger Gerhardt, Caetano Reis e Sousa and Andrew S. MacDonald

European journal of immunology, vol. 38: no. 4, pp. 1043-1049, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2008


The functional interactions of commensal bacteria with intestinal secretory IgA

Andrew J. Macpherson and Emma Wetter Slack

Current Opinion in Gastroenterology, vol. 23: no. 6, pp. 673-678, Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007

Syk-dependent ERK activation regulates IL-2 and IL-10 production by DC stimulated with zymosan

Emma Wetter Slack, Matthew J. Robinson, Patricia Hernanz-Falcón, Gordon D. Brown, David L. Williams, Edina Schweighoffer, Victor L. Tybulewicz and Caetano Reis e Sousa

European journal of immunology, vol. 37: no. 6, pp. 1600-1612, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2007

Syk- and CARD9-dependent coupling of innate immunity to the induction of T helper cells that produce interleukin 17

Salomé LeibundGut-Landmann, Olaf Gross, Matthew J. Robinson, Fabiola Osorio, Emma Wetter Slack, S. Vicky Tsoni, Edina Schweighoffer, Victor Tybulewicz, Gordon D. Brown, Jürgen Ruland and Caetano Reis e Sousa

Nature immunology, vol. 8: no. 6, pp. 630-638, New York, NY: Nature Publ. Group, 2007


Myeloid C-type lectins in innate immunity

Matthew J. Robinson, David Sancho, Emma Wetter Slack, Salomé LeibundGut-Landmann and Caetano Reis e Sousa

Nature immunology, vol. 7: no. 12, pp. 1258-1265, New York, NY: Nature Publ. Group, 2006


Syk-dependent cytokine induction by Dectin-1 reveals a novel pattern recognition pathway for C type lectins

Neil C. Rogers, Emma Wetter Slack, Alexander D. Edwards, Martijn A. Nolte, Oliver Schulz, Edina Schweighoffer, David L. Williams, Siamon Gordon, Victor L. Tybulewicz, Gordon D. Brown and Caetano Reis e Sousa

Immunity, vol. 22: no. 4, pp. 507-517, Cambridge, MA: Cell Press, 2005


Toll-like receptor expression in murine DC subsets: Lack of TLR7 expression by CD8 alpha+ DC correlates with unresponsiveness to imidazoquinolines

Alexander D. Edwards, Sandra S. Diebold, Emma Wetter Slack, Hideyuki Tomizawa, Hiroaki Hemmi, Tsuneyasu Kaisho, Shizuo Akira and Caetano Reis e Sousa

European journal of immunology, vol. 33: no. 4, pp. 827-833, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2003